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  • The US Fish & Wildlife service examined all the wetland permits approved by the Corps of Engineers throughout New Jersey during the 1985-1992 period. Success of the mitigation for each project was evaluated in the field in 1993. All Schmid & Company mitigation projects were judged to be fully successful. Our projects represented 21% of all the mitigation deemed fully successful statewide in the formal written report to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

  • In central New Jersey we designed 1.5 acres of wetland creation for a roadway to satisfy an individual freshwater wetland permit. We oversaw construction of the mitigation in a vicinity where prior mitigation by others had been generally unsuccessful. Conversion of the site to wetlands occurred promptly as native wetland plants colonized the target area.

  • In southern New Jersey we designed and implemented a mitigation plan to compensate for wetlands lost during the expansion of a major wastewater treatment plant. An area occupied by building foundations was excavated and planted with native trees and shrubs. Followup monitoring demonstrated the success of this project to the satisfaction of of state and Federal regulators.

    We identify opportunities for wetland enhancement, such as the area of common reed (Phragmites australis) marsh outlined below:

  • In southern New Jersey we licensed the first major freshwater wetland mitigation bank approved by the Wetlands Mitigation Council. This bank enabled the landowner to realize value from surplus land by creating 40 acres of wetland mitigation credit. The oustanding ecological resources of the bank are being managed long-term by The Nature Conservancy.

  • In Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey, we assisted the municipality in supplying mitigation to satisfy state permit requirements. The work required review of failed mitigation sites and planning for practical remedial action.

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